Opioid Addiction Treatment Center & Hospital in Chattanooga, TN

Erlanger Behavioral Health Hospital provides comprehensive care for adults and senior adults who are struggling with opioid addiction. Erlanger is a leading opioid addiction treatment center in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Learn More About Opioid Addiction Treatment

Get the facts about treatment for opioid addiction at Erlanger Behavioral Health Hospital

The category of opioids includes a wide range of dangerous substances. Many prescription medications fall into the category of opioids. When these substances are used as directed by a qualified physician, they can be extremely beneficial. However, when abused, these substances expose a person to the risk of considerable harm, including the development of addiction.

Morphine, oxycodone, and hydrocodone are examples of commonly prescribed opioids, but opioids also include dangerous recreational substances such as heroin and opium. Regardless of which type of opioid a person abuses, they put themselves in danger of catastrophic outcomes, including death. Also, symptoms of opioid withdrawal can be extremely unpleasant, which makes it very difficult to stop using opioids without professional help.

Thankfully, there is help for anyone who is struggling with an opioid addiction. Effective comprehensive treatment for opioid addiction will address the impact that this form of chemical dependency has had on your mind and body. When you choose to enter a treatment center for opioid addiction, you can begin to regain control of your thoughts and actions. With the right type and level of support, you can achieve successful recovery from opioid addiction.

How to Help a Loved One

Helping a loved one or family member get treatment for opioid addiction

If someone you love is struggling with opioid addiction, you may be dealing with a variety of distressing emotions. You might be feeling confused, afraid, or even angry. You may also feel helpless. These are all valid and understandable emotions. However, please don’t let your concerns prevent you from taking appropriate action.

You are not helpless, and your loved one’s situation is not hopeless. There are steps you can consider when it comes to helping your loved one. You can play an important role in your loved one’s recovery. Consider the following:

  • It’s important to educate yourself about opioids and opioid addiction. Visit reputable websites and contact trustworthy organizations. The more you understand about what your loved one is experiencing, the better equipped you will be to help them.
  • While doing this research, you will also want to collect information about opioid addiction treatment options. Discover the types and levels of opioid addiction treatment that have helped others, and identify local treatment centers that appear to be good fits for your friend or family member.
  • Remember that there is no such thing as one perfect opioid addiction treatment center. Your goal should be to find the opioid addiction treatment center that seems best prepared to meet your loved one’s needs. Your unique insights into your loved one’s personality and preferences can be especially valuable as you search for treatment programs.
  • Continue to talk with your loved one. Addiction can be an isolating experience. Keep the lines of communication open. Let your loved one know how much you care about them. Build trust, express your concern, and emphasize your love and support. Perhaps most importantly, listen.
  • Discuss the opioid addiction treatment options you’ve found. Be patient, as your loved one might be resistant, defensive, or even angry at first. Addiction is a disease of the brain. It impacts how a person thinks and acts. Don’t allow your conversations to descend into arguments. Remain positive. The process of getting your loved one to enter treatment may take some time.
  • Don’t try to accomplish this all on your own. Get a small group of trusted friends or family members to help you. If you think you may benefit from talking with a therapist or counselor, make an appointment. The impact of addiction isn’t limited to the person who develops the disease. You need to tend to your own physical, mental, and emotional health in order to be the best source of support for your loved one.

Finally, remember that recovery is a lifelong process. Don’t expect everything to suddenly change overnight. Treatment will take time, and your loved one will need to continue to work on their recovery after they’ve returned home. Prepare to be there for your loved one during their successes and setbacks. Your continued presence can be a source of great support for your loved one.

Why Consider Treatment

Why you should consider receiving care at our opioid addiction treatment hospital

Opioid abuse and addiction can have a profound negative impact on your body and mind. Left untreated, addiction to opioids can lead to brain, lung, heart, and kidney damage. Opioid addiction has also been associated with the onset or worsening of symptoms of mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety.

The detrimental effects of opioid addiction can extend to your relationships, financial status, and career. Opioid abuse and addiction may cause you to withdraw from or be ostracized by friends and family members. You may struggle to find and keep a job. You may face legal challenges including arrest and incarceration, and you may find it difficult to maintain a financially independent lifestyle.

These outcomes can be avoided by seeking effective treatment for opioid addiction. While you’re in treatment, you can also begin to repair the damage that opioid addiction has already caused. With the right type and level of care, you can free yourself from the chains of opioid addiction.

Types of Treatment

Learn about therapies used in opioid addiction treatment at Erlanger Behavioral Health Hospital

Located in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Erlanger Behavioral Health Hospital is a state-of-the-art, inpatient mental health and addiction treatment facility. Our high-end treatment center serves multiple cities and states, including Tennessee, North Georgia, and Alabama, offering acute care for patients who need crisis stabilization in a safe and secure setting.

Surrounded by trees, fields, and seasonal flora and fauna, our hospital provides a welcoming respite for patients to begin healing from opioid addiction. Comfortable care rooms, courtyard areas for relaxation, and a large gymnasium for exercise and recreation offer a well-rounded treatment experience.

At Erlanger, patients receive the most innovative approach to opioid addiction treatment, with programming that is customized to meet their individual needs.

At Erlanger, our mission is to deliver excellence in the treatment of opioid addiction, and to improve the quality of life for those who are affected by its symptoms. We strive to deliver compassionate, effective care that empowers our patients on their unique paths to healing from opioid addiction.

Our opioid addiction treatment center takes great pride in our ability to provide care in a manner that best meets the needs of our patients. One way that we do this is by offering four distinct programs that allow our patients to receive treatment for opioid addiction in a setting and amidst a population that is most reflective of their needs and stages of life.

These programs include an adult psychiatry program for patients age 18 and older, a geriatric psychiatry program for patients age 65 and older, and a dual diagnosis program for adults age 18 and older. All programs offer a fully comprehensive approach to care, incorporating a variety of evidence-based therapeutic interventions into each patient’s treatment plan. When a patient receives care for opioid addiction at our treatment center, they have access to the following:

Medical care: If a patient has a chronic, but stable, medical condition in addition to opioid addiction, we are able to offer the additional attention they need. Doctors, nurse practitioners, and registered nurses provide medical care for those patients who require these services. Patients have the ability to meet with our medical staff daily.

Medication management: Medication is often a beneficial component in treating opioid addiction. The use of medication, however, is always determined on a case-by-case basis. For those patients who will benefit from medication, our opioid addiction treatment center has psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, and registered nurses who provide medication management services. Patients can expect to meet with a psychiatrist daily.

Detoxification: For patients who are struggling with addiction concerns, we offer nonmedical detoxification services on-site. Detox at our treatment center typically lasts between three and seven days. During this time, patients are also able to participate in therapeutic programming so that all of their needs are being met simultaneously. Medication-assisted treatment is also available as part of our detox services, including the use of Suboxone and Subutex. Each patient will work with their treatment team to determine whether to use these medications during detox.

Individual therapy: Licensed social workers and counselors provide confidential one-on-one individual therapy sessions for patients who are struggling with opioid addiction. These sessions offer patients the opportunity to discuss their concerns, process their experiences in treatment, and celebrate successes as they begin recovering from opioid addiction. The frequency of individual therapy sessions at our opioid addiction treatment center is determined throughout the patient’s treatment planning process.

Group therapy: Group therapy is an important part of the healing process at our opioid addiction treatment center. Our highly qualified staff members, including nurses, social workers, counselors, and activity therapists, lead several groups each day and encourage patients to actively support one another in treatment. There are a variety of groups offered, including the following:

  • Recovery groups
  • Community groups
  • General processing groups
  • Psychoeducational groups

Family therapy: When patients are struggling with opioid addiction, it can be extremely beneficial to include their family members in the treatment process. At our opioid addiction treatment center, licensed social workers and counselors lead family therapy sessions with patients and their loved ones. Not only does this give family members an opportunity to learn more about opioid addiction, what their loved one is going through, and ways that they can help, but it also provides them with a safe space to discuss how their loved one’s concerns have impacted them as well.

Continuing Care

Continuing care options for opioid addiction treatment

Treatment does not simply end once your stay at Erlanger Behavioral Health Hospital is complete. From the time that you are admitted into our opioid addiction treatment center, your treatment team will begin creating your discharge plan, which will be updated as you progress through treatment. This plan may include referrals to step-down levels of care, information on community resources that are available to you, referrals to support groups, and anything else that your treatment team believes will help you remain successful in healing from opioid addiction.

If you believe that you or your loved one could benefit from the care provided at our opioid addiction treatment center, please do not hesitate to contact us today. Our knowledgeable, compassionate staff members are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to answer any questions you may have, explain more about our programming, and get you started in the admissions process.

Marks of Quality Care
  • The Joint Commission (JCAHO) Gold Seal of Approval